Jeremy Lelek, Ph.D., LPC, ICP
Journeying through life as a counselor (or what the ancients would often refer to as a “physician of the soul) my pathway is continually speckled with people who bear the very image of God, but whose hearts have been trampled by the myriad forms of suffering with which we are all well acquainted whether personally or as witnessed in those we love. The kind of suffering that often goes unnoticed while leaving the sufferer in a prison of existential isolation—things like anxiety, addiction, abuse, relational strife, and trauma. These are the individuals with whom I am blessed to travel, and it is to them I am daily honored to extend God’s grace in their time of need. It was St. Augustine who once wrote, “To desire the aid of grace is the beginning of grace.” People seeking my care have often come to the end of themselves, and are not merely wanting therapeutic intervention, but guidance and wisdom that is transcendent and eternal. As Augustine would see it, their very search for help is itself a sign that grace is already at work. This awareness brings to light that counseling is so much more than addressing troublesome symptoms, but is an occasion to commune with and draw from the sacred divine.
My name is Jeremy Lelek, and I serve as the founder and president of Metroplex Counseling and Wellness located in Fort Worth, TX. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor, and I hold a Ph.D. in Counseling Education and Supervision. I have served in private practice since 1999.
While I am personally well-studied in the disciplines of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems Therapy, Psychoanalysis, and Emotion Focused Therapy, the primary reason for which people reach out to my team and I for counseling is our expertise in a model of care known as biblical counseling.
Throughout my career I have had the honor of working with top scholars in my field such as the late David Powlison, Ed Welch, and Paul Tripp in continuing to develop a model of care that is both robust as well as affirming of the idea that people are comprised of both body and soul.
It is for the soul that I draw from the ancient texts of the Bible for ultimate healing and hope. It is from within the pages of Scripture that my clients and I are guided to discover the beauty and relevance of God’s grace, love, mercy, and kindness as they apply to the present issues ailing their souls. It is an approach that brings meaning to the universal experience of human suffering while pointing those in need to Someone “out there” who is present, abiding, and infinitely good.
It is for the body that I draw from the talented nutritionists on our staff who help our clients connect the dots between nutrition and mental health. It is also for the body that I draw from the amazing gift of IASIS Neurofeedback—a gentle, healing treatment to the brain. I am a Certified IASIS provider with experience as a Licensed Professional Counselor since 2003, and I have been profoundly amazed at the results I’ve witnessed for some of the most difficult emotional and mental issues on my caseload (i.e., Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, PTSD, Addiction, Insomnia, Major Anxiety, etc.).
In addition to my enthusiasm that our center now offers this cutting-edge treatment I am also honored to be among the scholars and practitioners within the IASIS family. It is a group doing so much good for so many! Barry Bruder is someone whose compassion and love for others is palpable, and I’m forever grateful that God’s providence caused out paths to cross. I look forward to collaborating with he and the team in an effort to multiply the incredible work of IASIS Neurofeedback throughout the world.
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